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My name is Haroon Bandawal. I’m a Naturopath, Holistic Health Coach, Energy Healer, Nutrition Consultant, Author, and Mind-Body Educator. I’ve always had an aggressive interest in the human mind, body, and spirit, and what a “regular” human could accomplish if they were to optimize these three things and get them to work in alignment. When I was 19 years old, I was suffering from a number of physical and mental symptoms. After seeing multiple doctors and specialists, I took the matter into my own hands. I healed myself after visiting a Naturopath, who helped me along the way. After this discovery that healing truly lies in our own hands, I knew I was meant to do more, and here I am years later. If you are reading this, I want you to know what I did is completely possible for each and every one of you. Whether you have physical symptoms, mental symptoms, spiritual needs, or you just don’t feel you are getting the full experience out of life, I am here to tell you that change is possible. I’m here to show you that I was a regular person who stumbled into the world of true healing, by no accident of course. After years of research, education, and clinical experience, I can confidently say that I understand the human condition at an incredibly high level. I’ve consulted with thousands of people from every background you can think of. I’ve lived an incredibly unique life on all ends, and I know if I am capable of doing what I’ve done, so are you.

Certifications and Specialties

Certified Naturopath- New Eden School of Natural Health

Diplomate of Naturopathic Medicine- The American Council of Holistic Medicine

Certified Reiki Master Teacher- Center for Reiki Inner Peace

Active Member- Society of Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioners

Energy Medicine Consultant- New Eden School of Natural Health

Metabolic Functional Biochemistry

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Integrative Nutrition Specialist

Emotional Release Energy Healing